



Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have streamed the Sunday service on Facebook Live and will continue to offer this for live viewing and for viewing of past services. For more detailed information and updates as it concerns our church and the coronavirus, plea visit our coronavirus page.


"Word of Christ"

Jesus prayed for His disciples on the night before His crucifixion that God would Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth (John 17:17).  We believe the Scriptures are a perfect treasure of God’s revelation about Himself, His plan and the need of humanity for redemption.  It is the flawless standard by which all of our beliefs and actions must be measured.  As such, we want the Word of Christ to guide our worship of our Creator and Savior and to be central in all that we pray, sing, preach, and teach.  Our pastor typically preaches through Scripture in a way that seeks to draw out the meaning of a passage that would have grabbed its original audience while making its 21st century application clear and compelling.  

To see some recent sermons by our pastor, please visit our Facebook page to view past services.



"Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs"

At Hunter Road, we sing a mixture of modern worship songs you might hear on the radio and the timeless hymns of the faith that have been cherished by generations of Christians. We have a praise team that leads us in worship in our weekly morning service. 

Here is a Spotify Playlist of some songs that our Minister of Music and Technology has been enjoying lately - we pray you find some that speak to you today and throughout 2022.


If you have any ideas that are helpful for our church as we try to minister to you and your family, please let us know.



Childcare for babies through preschoolers is provided by a team of caring volunteers who have all undergone background checks. For elementary-aged children, we aim to integrate them into the worship service, and particularly during the sermon.  We:

1)      Work as a church family to communicate to the children and families God has brought or will bring to our church that we are glad they are here and are willing to show grace to those that are having a difficult time being still and/or quiet.

2)      Invite the elementary aged kids up front just before the sermon to engage them in the introduction to the message. This also gives them a chance to get up and move just before the longest period of sitting. We will also distribute to the kids an elementary level worksheet during that children’s time that ties in with the sermon.

3)      Attempt to also specifically call their attention back during the sermon with content that speaks clearly to them.